Announcing Partnership: AICA Joins Forces with Freemuse for Artistic Freedom


We're thrilled to announce our partnership with Freemuse, an international organization dedicated to advocating for and defending freedom of artistic expression. This memorandum, signed on April 23, 2024, solidifies our commitment to collaborate with Freemuse until December 31, 2025, with a plan for review thereafter.

As part of this partnership, both AICA and Freemuse will actively share information of mutual interest and collaborate on various initiatives, including monitoring and documenting violations of artistic freedom, advocacy actions, joint publications, and supporting each other's campaigns. Importantly, both organizations are committed to upholding international human rights values and standards in all shared works and activities.

We're excited about the possibilities this partnership holds for advancing artistic freedom worldwide!

Read the Memorandum of Understanding between Freemuse and AICA.