editorial department


Marc Partouche (France)


Newsletter: Jean Bundy (USA)

Great Critics collection: Henry Meyric Hughes (UK)

E-book: n.n

AICA in the world: n.n

Sound archives publication: n.n

Department MEMBERS

Henry Meyric Hughes (chair, UK), Małgorzata Kaźmierczak (ex officio, Poland), Jesús Pedro Lorente (ex officio, Spain), Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton (UK), Jean-Marc Poinsot (France), Paula Barreiro-Lopez, Pilar Parcerisas (Spain), Marc Partouche (ex officio, France), Lisbeth Rebollo Gonçalves (Brazil), Klara Kemp-Welch (UK), Mathilde Roman (France), Ramon Tio Bellido (France).


Aims of the Committee
The aim of this Committee is to advise on proposals for publishing works that might qualify for AICA support. The members of the Committee vouch for the interest and quality of projects. Once projects are approved, its members likewise keep an key on all editorial aspects and questions of distribution, up to the point of completion.
All projects, to be eligible for consideration, need to be supported by a guaranteed contribution from a co-editor of a minimum of 50% of the overall costs.
The Committee likewise makes recommendations on all matters relating to the application of the Statutes, with regard to the use of languages for Congresses, publications and any kind of shared documents