Richard Gregor (Chair, Slovakia), Liam Kelly (Ireland), Małgorzata Kaźmierczak (ex officio, Poland), Henry Meyric Hughes (UK), Mathilde Roman (France), Karen von Veh (Open Section), Ana Lúcia Beck (Brazil), Federico Freschi (Open Section), Raluca Nestor Oancea (Romania)
The AICA annual congress provides a long established international forum, initiated and organised by AICA national sections or regions, for the discussion of relevant and appropriate topics and issues in the visual arts, by art critics and speakers from other disciplines.
The mission of the Congress committee is:
to consider such thematic proposals for the Congress as put forward by national sections and to make recommendations to the Board for approval which in turn makes recommendation to the General Assembly
to offer advice and support to the national host section(s) for the planning, development and ultimate delivery of the annual Congress
Such advice includes, inter alia, the development of the proposed Congress programme and selection of speakers, overseeing the preparation of an adequate operating financial budget for consideration by the Board, as well as the venues, facilities and schedules for the meetings of the association’s Board, General Assembly and AICA committee meetings.
The host section(s) is solely responsible for obtaining appropriate grants and sponsorships and for the executive organization of the Congress: the venues, programme, meetings and receptions, including the pre- or post- congress tours and related activities. The host section will follow the directives and obligations as set out in detail in the ‘Rough Guide to the Organisation of an AICA Congress’, available on the AICA International website. The AICA Secretariat may support grant and sponsorship applications.